Hey guys!
Recently I've installed a really fun device that tracks unique hits on the webpage; I was extremely pleased and surprised by the number of unique hits we receive daily. Thanks so much guys! As you've doubtlessly noticed, my posts on the blog have become incredibly inconsistent or, as in the past two weeks, non-existent. I want to offer a huge apology for those who continued to check for updates. I can assure you the blog is going to continue, but sadly, under a new and much less strict regiment.
I've recently discovered that I'm going to be graduating from high school a year early. To do this, I'm going to have to take several more classes than I have previously (resulting in a massive loss of extra time). Additionally, I've begun to reacquire a taste for both nonfiction writing and writing my own works (on a causal time frame). To account for that loss in time (and primarily to prevent an excess of stress), I've decided to transition the blog from a five day a week blog to a blog where I'll post reviews when they're available and finished. Because I will be picking my writing and non-fiction reading back up, these updates could be inconsistent.
I will still be accepting and reviewing review books, although I will most likely be more selective of what I accept for the time being (I'm currently massively back-logging and having difficulty maintaining a manageable pile of unread books). Giveaways will occur periodically, both when I'm longing to share the beauty of literature and when I have an excess of books. Other memes should be discontinued, although they may appear periodically based on extra time. Blog tours should continue as normal (on schedule) and quest posts or posts that are not reviews will go up when they are available and ready. :)
Thanks so much for keeping up with the blog everyone!
I somehow missed this post. I wondered why it was I stopped getting email updates! Good luck with all your work and classes.