Saturday, September 24, 2011

In my Mailbox. (Caressa 9-24)

IMM is a book meme brought to us from The Story Siren. It's a really great activity to share the books we won't get to review on the blog and point out some really good titles. I'm not sure how regularly we'll be posting an 'IMM' but we'll do our best ;) because it's our first 'IMM' some of these books will be over a time span exceeding a week or two.

Won and recieved from first reads(Goodreads) giveaways (in the past two weeks):

(first edition)  (ARC)   (ARC)   (first edition)  

For review from author (received):

Look for this author's interview and my review on Thursday. 

From the library(this week; I LOVE the library):


Bought (the past week):

I went to a book-sale with books for 50 cents each, so rather than list all ten or so, I'll name some of my favorites. ;)


So I think that's everything. What have you acquired recently? I'm a little behind on my reading (all my books got here at once) so you can find reviews as I read, write, and produce them on Goodreads; for those who've noticed I'm behind on Goodreads, I'll be spending tomorrow spending time with my family, doing homework, and yes, catching up on my book blogging. ;) Click on our badge below and leave a comment on our profile for some major brownie points or comment below. Thanks everyone!; and welcome to our new followers!-C


  1. I hope you love The Lost Hero! If you love the Percy Jackson book, you'll love it.

    Alison at The Cheap Reader

  2. Thanks Alison, I really enjoyed The Lost Hero. My review can be seen on Goodreads. I'll check out your blog. ;) -C
